As a fan of Orbeez, you may have experienced the wonder of these water beads as they expand and change shape when soaked in water. Do Orbeez dry out? But have you ever wondered what happens to Orbeez when they are left under the sun or in the open air? Will they dry out and lose their shape?
In this article, we will explore the question of whether Orbeez dry out if left under the sun or in the open air and what can be done to prevent it. Whether you’re planning on storing Orbeez for an extended period or just want to know how to care for them, this guide will provide valuable insight on how to ensure your Orbeez stay plump and colorful for longer.
Do Orbeez Dry Out?
First of all, it is important to understand that Orbeez are made of a water-absorbing polymer, which means that they will shrink and lose their shape if they lose water. This is true whether they are left under the sun or in the open air, as both sunlight and air can cause the beads to lose water. However, the rate at which they will dry out will depend on a variety of factors, such as the humidity and temperature of the air, and how long they have been exposed to the elements.
In general, if Orbeez are left under the sun or in the open air for a short period of time, they will not dry out completely. However, they may lose some of their shape and texture, and they may not be as plump and colorful as they were when they were first soaked. If they are left exposed for a longer period of time, they may shrink significantly and lose their shape completely.
Prevent Orbeez Form Drying Out:
To prevent Orbeez from drying out if left under the sun or in the open air, it is important to keep them in a covered container or in a place with low exposure to sunlight and air. You can also add a small amount of water to the container, to keep the beads hydrated. Additionally, if you notice that the Orbeez has started to dry out, you can rehydrate them by soaking them in water for a few hours.
Another way to prevent Orbeez from drying out is by using a sealable plastic bag or container, which can help to retain the moisture inside. It’s also important to note that, if you’re planning on storing Orbeez for an extended period of time, it’s best to keep them in a cool, dry place.
It’s worth noting that, while Orbeez can dry out if left under the sun or in the open air, they are still safe to play with even if they have lost some of their shape and texture. They will still have the same properties and will not cause any harm.
Also Read: Orbeez grows faster in hot and cold water
Hopefully, this article has clarified all of your concerns about drying Orbeez. Orbeez can dry out if left under the sun or in the open air, but with proper care and storage, you can prevent this from happening. By keeping them in a covered container, adding water, and storing them in a cool, dry place, you can ensure that your Orbeez stay plump and colorful for longer.